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Level 1
At the beginning of the game, King Drake will send for you.For the reference of the walkthrough, the main character of thiswill be called Hiro. King Drake tells the story of her missingdaughter, Princess Jessa. Listen to the conversation and you willsoon be given 200 Gold by the Minister to start you on youradventure. Exit the Castle and head for the town.
In the town, there is for now, 5 places of importance. TheTavern, where you can rest up, the Shrine, where you can saveyour game, and the Weapon, Armor, and Alkemist shops, which sellyou Weapons, Armor, and Items. Occasionally, they each havespecial deals. These items for deals are rare, and expensive.Maybe later, you can buy them.
Taking your 200 Gold, take and buy a Short Sword. If you are afirst time player, then buy a Leather Gauntlet for Hiro. Once youhave talked around in the Tavern, and gotten either a Short Swordor a Gauntlet, return to the castle.
The Minister will say that Jessa was last seen with Hiro'sfather, Mortred, near the Labyrinth. Just then, boom shakes thecastle and a dark man, known as Dark Sol appears. He says that hehas the Princess, and will only return her if King Drake handsover the Kingdom of Thornwood (the place where you are). Dark Solthen leaves and King Drake gives you permission to enter theLabyrinth. Save at the town before going in.
When you are ready, enter the Labyrinth. I haveprovided a map for you. For detailed information of the maps,head to the map section. Just starting out on this game is kindof slow. Stay around the begining area and fight Slimy Oozes andCave Slugs. Gain a level or two, and start going off further intothe dungeon. After you start to venture off, take an Angel Wingwith you. Each Level in this Labyrinth is a 30x30 square area.When I tell you locations, like say (16, 30). You count over fromthe left side, right 16 places, and then down 30 places. If youdid it right, you should have your finger on the square with the'S' on it. That is where you start. As you keep gaining levels,buy yourself better equipment. But do not go to the location of(11, 18) yet. Not until Hiro is around Level 8.
When Hiro is around Level 8, you should have thisequipment:
If the pictures don't ring a bell, Hiro shouldhave a Bronze Saber, a Fur Robe, a Gauntlet, and a LeatherHelmet. If you are unsure about any equipment, go check out oneof the sections on equipment. Also stack up on a couple of Herbs.
When you have all the equipment, and are aroundLevel 8, go to coordinates (11, 18). You will run into a KaiserKrab. This is your toughest opponent yet. It has about 60 HP, andcan take out almost 20 HP per turn. When you get below 20 HP, usean Herb and keep attacking. It should soon die out and leave aRoyal Tiara. If you are strong enough after killing it, take andwalk out, otherwise, use the Angel Feather.
Go back to the castle and talk to the King. Hesays that he gave the Royal Tiara to Jessa when she was 12. Youwill also notice a person named Melvyl there. He knows theLabyrinth well, but keep an eye on him. The Minister says thatJessa is inside the Labyrinth Proper. In order to get there, youneed to pass the 4 trials. The trial of Strength, Courage, Truth,and Wisdom. They also advice you form a party and then return tothe Castle. Whatever you do, DO NOT TALK TO TRISTAN. He will takethe Royal Tiara from you and give you 200 Gold. The Royal Tiaraincreases your Armor Factor by 16 points.
Head back to town and to the Tavern. You will seea scene with Old Vik and Pyra, one of Hiro's friends. She willjoin up with you. Pyra is a strong Magical user, and can use aWhip, which comes in handy a little later on. When you getoutside, Pyra will bump into a man named Gila, who was hired tofind Jessa. They get into a little argument before Pyra cast Slow(1) on Gila while he goes back to the Labyrinth. Give Prya theRoyal Tiara and go to the Shrine, where you will meet Milo,another friend of Hiro's. Milo joins up. Milo is a good Healer,as well as a powerful fighter. Though not as powerful as Hiro,Milo still pulls his weight (which is a lot of it).
Go back to the Castle and talk to the Minister,who will give you the Dwarf's Key. Now you can enter the Cave ofStrength. Go back to the Labyrinth and fight around, leveling upPyra and Milo. Update their equipment quickly. Open the BronzeDoor (to the west of the start point) when Milo and Pyra arearound level 5. Fight around a little more, until they reachLevel 8. By then, they should have this equipment.
Make sure to get Hiro the Sword, and then givethe Bronze Saber to Pyra. When you are ready, enter the Cave ofStrength at Coordinates (28, 26).
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